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Character Interview: Sergeant Lyman Colter (Colt)







IINN: This is Chelsea Bingham coming to you from Independent Internet News Network. We’re here today with Sergeant Lyman Colter, USMC to ask him about his experience in Nero’s Fiddle. Good morning, Sergeant Colter. How are you today?


Colt: Name’s Colt.


IINN: Okay, Colt. How are you?


Colt: Can we get on with this? I got some beef jerky in the smokehouse I need to check on.


IINN: Right. How did you feel when Captain Mossberg asked you to accompany her to DC?


Colt: I was pissed as hell!


IINN: Why?


Colt: First of all, to be perfectly honest, I don’t much care for people. I live alone and that’s the way I like it. Normally, I couldn’t care less about what happens in the world. But I didn’t like the fact that some idiot unleashed an EMP attack on America.


IINN: Okay –


Colt: And second, I could not believe that Cap’n Mossy trusted Major Turd.


IINN: Well, I believe he’s General Terberon now.


Colt: Yeah, General, my ass.


IINN: Why wouldn’t Captain Mossberg trust Major Tur-em-Terberon?


Colt: Look. It was a long time ago but I’m sure not gonna sit here and discuss that.


IINN: Okay, um, I understand you’re a survivalist. Is that right?


Colt: Yeah, that’s right. I don’t rely on nobody and nobody relies on me.


IINN: Captain Mossberg obviously can.


Colt: (silence)


IINN: Colt? (no response) Sergeant Colter?


Colt? We’re done here.


IINN: Oookay. That was Sergeant Lyman Colter, USMC. And I’m Chelsea Bingham coming to you from Independent Internet News Network.

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